Sunday, December 30, 2007

should old acquaintance be forgot?

tomorrow is the last day of 2007. typically, that would mean that i would go down the alphabet in a list of amazing experiences i've been through this year. but somehow, i now find that a rather boring task. it was an incredible, enlightening, painful, lesson-filled year. i can tell you that much. and if i ever finish my essay, you'll get to know much more on that topic. but i'm so thankful for everything i've been through this year and everyone i've had the oportunity to share 'o7 with.
i typically come up with really lame resolutions that i think i should do for 365/366 days out of the year and by january 4th, i usually fail. this year, i've decided to do something different. i've set a list of goals for myself - some to keep in mind for the year, and others that i'd like to accomplish in/by a certain month. i've posted them in my blog so i could keep track and be able to check things off as i accomplish them. i love checking things off. it's such a rewarding feeling. i plan on blowin' this year outta the water. 2oo8 is going to kick ass. and i invite you all to join me. i've been warming up for a brand new start for months. i'm ready. let's rock this.

jayme, bones, c & i went to see 'sweeney todd' today (second time for me). i'd just like to mention that johnny depp is pretty much the sexiest man i have ever watched slit throats for 2 hours. it's a little scary how incredibly attracted to him i am in this movie. his talent blows my mind, though. his acting is...phenomenal. i would kill to have the opportunity to work with him one day.

short entry tonight. no big revelations, and i'm on my old shitty lap top with a 10 min battery span. ...why is this thing still in our house.

the wood is tired
and the wood is old
and we'll make it fine
if the weather holds.
but if the weather holds,
we'll have missed the point.
that's where i need to go.

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