Tuesday, December 27, 2011

book review: love unlisted.

Love UnlistedLove Unlisted by Stephanie Haddad
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I've never really been the "chick lit" type, but this book was glued to my hand. I feel like I was very emotionally busy throughout reading it; I teared up about 4 times (this is coming from someone who cries during every episode of Grey's, so it might just be me) and was literally "LOL-ing" throughout most of the book. There were a few points where I thought for sure I had figured out a side-plot, but Stephanie Haddad would never make it so easy. I found myself second-guessing myself up until the last couple pages.

If you like contemporary romance, I would absolutely recommend this witty read. In fact, even if you're usually not (like myself), I can still guarantee you'll find yourself sucked into this book as it's impossible to not relate to the main character, Grace, and her neuroses that you don't want to admit you also have.

View all my reviews

Buy this book here.