Friday, December 07, 2007

more cortizone, please!

  • i've been stable @ 99 - got another MP increase today.
  • need to hit 100 to be d/c to iop on tuesday. (pfft, no problem.)
  • the cause of my last flat: a little rusty screw. (that's good!)
  • my mechanic told me i'm half way to a free tire ;)
  • he also promised me a free oil change if we won the WS, so i took that yesterday.
  • sat and talked w/ SC for 2 hrs yesterday... we've realized we have ridiculous things in common.
  • i was doing kick-ass for 2 days, and then...undid it all. soo...back to the cortizone. let's try again.
  • who's working a 30 hr week next week? OH haha that'd be me :D
  • i've started really drawing again. do you realize how long it's been?????
so, about this situation i'm in. i'm really starting to lose it and i'm really trying not to, but it's becoming more and more ridiculous and even a little uncomfortable. there have been two very blatant crossing-of-the-lines and i can't put up with that. i'm trying the best i can to be there for you. i'm trying my hardest to be compassionate and understanding, but i'm scared it's going to start coming between us. it's not even you i'm really angry at.
i've gone to a few people for advice and the turnout is 50/50 whether or not i should bring it up. there are very unwanted consequences on either side. there are a few occasions coming up fairly soon that may help resolve things, so i think my best bet for now it just to ride this out and see what happens over the next couple weeks.

one last thing before i end with my DU: please, please, please read and follow the instructions in the entry under this! to put it short (for those who don't want to read the entire NEDA letter), every single patient in the eating disorder community has to fight their insurance companies for treatment. my old insurance doesn't even believe in eating disorders, and would not even cover specialists. patients are dying because they aren't covered or because insurance has run out. these are my friends i'm talking about. your friends, whether or not you know it. it was me. please, help us do something about it.

96% of professionals who deal with eating disorders believe their anorexic patients lives are put at risk because their health insurance policies authorise early release.

Only one-third of people with anorexia in the community receive mental health care.

* * * * *

dad update:
dad's doing... ok, actually. he still spends pretty much all of his day in bed, but he's been sitting in the living room once in a while. he even got up to make himself breakfast and lunch the other day. he's also using slightly less oxygen throughout the day. so now, we're positive the virus is gone. we're not sure how much better he can get or what happens next, but for now, he's feeling better than he has been the past couple weeks :)

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