Saturday, February 09, 2008

splitting up.

i've decided (well...someone helped me decide) to separate my personal blog from my recovery blog which has been increasingly been growing to be...not so personal. so, if you're interested in continuing to follow my recovery, you can bookmark the following address. i'd appreciate it :)

also, if you have an ed blog yourself and you have linked to mine, please replace that link with the following.

[part 2 of my most recent post is also up on that site.]

thanks, readers :)


  1. so, i think you should note (and be proud) that your ED and your life are two separate things now. think about that. your ED...and your life...are SEPARATE. i mean, it's part of your identity and whatnot, but even just the simple fact that you can write about it in a whole different place than you write about your day-to-day...that's fantastic.


  2. I wish there was an easier way to do it, but I copy and paste from blogger to LJ, and add that little bit at the bottom with a link to the comment page. It's like an extra 2 minutes to the posting process, haha.
