Saturday, February 16, 2008


it's been a rough couple of days and for good reason, but it doesn't make it suck any less. everything's really pissin' me off and i felt sick as hell the other night. the weird thing is, when i'm like this, it's women i can't be around. i can not only be around guys, i'd prefer it. i think i'm the *only* chick that feels like that.
other than that, not much has been going on. i was recently hired at PetSmart to work in their pet hotel. i'm just looking to get money in my wallet any way i can and i have connections there. plus, they're willing to keep me for weekends when i go back to school. if they can't give me enough hours, i might go back to waitressing...but i like hourly, better, and they pay pretty well.
i start back at school in about a week and i cannot wait. i think it'll help my weight-restoration a lot to have so much structure in my day, as well. i only have 6 modules left, and then my 4 week internship until i graduate.
my plan for post-CDIA looks like...going back to CDIA. i think i'm going to do their GD program, but only part-time. hopefully, i can get retouching work in the meantime, despite not having much of a background in GD yet. i'll have to set up a meeting with my career counsiler when i get back in a few weeks. i've got plenty of time to plan for may, though.
and now, for something completely different: i went to monster jam last night. for those who have never been, it's a show where monster trucks drive over scrap cars. they run races and do freestyle at the end, which means they run over more scrap cars and do donuts. once in a while, if you're really lucky, they'll flip over. the dcu is apparently too small of a stadium for much more excitement than that.
i had fun with the people i went with, but it was probably a one time deal. the fuel made for unbearable eye stinging and i probably lost 10% of my hearing. keep in mind, i'm the kind of person that hears motorcycle engines like people hear nails on a chalkboard. revved up monster trucks aren't exactly a beautiful sound to me. however, the motocross freestyle was pretty kickass. i have to wonder how many mothers actually support their child's choice to do that with their life, though...
the two weirdest parts of the night, for me, were having flashbacks of waiting in line for the nfg/good charlotte concert and being informed that the worcester outlets were taken down years ago... who knew?
afterwards, we went out for drinks, which was the best part of the night. it was great to catch up, even if a huge part of our conversation might have been about throw up... it'd be nice to see them more often.

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