Monday, June 07, 2010

big plans.

This summer. Oh, this summer.

Let's see.. the deal is that I'm starting school in the fall. (That's right.. I actually have a piece of paper that says, "Hey, you're in our program.. so we expect to see you in September." You know, mas o menos.) I also just quit my job, as some of you may or may not know. That's right. "Ack-more" is done like dinnah. And, no worries, I went out with style. Note to retail: rapping the closing announcements goes over well. One customer clapped in the middle of asking one of my co-workers a question. Awesome.

Anyway, there's totes a point to this. The point being it's time to whip my tush into gear. I've come to see goal completion as a sort of school prep. I'm going to need to be able to push myself if I really want to succeed at school. Therefore, I'm going to practice pushing myself with things I actually want to get done now. When I want to put something off, it's, "No.. do you want to succeed in school? Go $*%&ing do it." And it's been working.

Of course, in doing so, I've come to realize I make chunky goals for myself. This makes them harder to accomplish when they spin me into the downward spiral of, "This is too big I have to get started now but I have other goals and they're too big so if I start this one I won't be able to do the other one and which one's more important if I don't do either I won't have to choose I'll figure it out later.." You can imagine that the success with that thought process is about as big as that sentence is without punctuation. SO, I'm breaking them down. Instead of planning on the ultimate goals (i.e. a 5k, a book, a language..), I have broken them down into easier-to-chew pieces:
  • Run 1 mile.
  • Write 1,000 words.
  • Complete Units 1 & 2 of RS.
  • Get an hourly wage job.
  • Find a roommate (Aug 1).
I think the most important thing I've learned in this is that.. you can always make new goals. They don't have to be in writing all at once. If I finish 1,000 words in one day, big deal. I'll tack on another thousand more. But if I plan to write 50,000, I'll get overwhelmed and write.. nothing.

Oh, and I'd like one of those wishing airplanes..

1 comment:

  1. Where are you going to school Em, and for what?
