Monday, July 07, 2008

wait, i missed a holiday?

for those who don't know, i had my wisdoms out this past thursday.  most of you have had them out, so you all have your own stories.. and i've heard them all.  my story isn't a huge change from the giant mix i have received, though i must admit that i've certainly heard worse.  the only thing that puts my own twist on it is that my body apparently isn't in top shape for surgery, but i'm sure that doesn't come as a huge shock to many.  (it was that whole fasting-for-8-hrs-prior-to-anesthesia thing..)

the most important thing i learned is not to ask for stories on such common events, if you plan on using them as a "what exactly to expect" guide.  everyone goes through their own thing and there's not really any room for judgement.  just another life lesson hidden into one big event.

i had a fair share of people tell me, "oh man, i couldn't talk or eat solid foods for 2 weeks after that!" and a pretty equal amount tell me, "pssht, i was back running the world after the 3rd day."  it's funny; people who said the first tend to be much more open-minded to the different possible outcomes.  people who voiced the latter were more prone to thinking that those in the first group are just a bunch of whimps for taking longer to heal.  thus is the world we live in.

one woman at work fought me to the death, saying that taking a week off from work was absolutely ridiculous because a friend of hers went back to work after just a few days.  despite me telling her, much more kindly than i wanted to, that i appreciated her opinion but i've heard a lot of people have many different experiences with their recovery, she still seemed completely adamant that because her friend was up and running, the whole world should be.  (i have a prize for anyone that can tell me how that run-on could have been prevented.)
these are the kind of people i have learned are so not worth my time and energy.  so, i said, "okay, great, thanks," and walked away to grab a soda.

anyways, it's now been almost 5 days since the extraction and i'm finally starting to feel a little normal.  it has been about 24 hours since my last percocet, and i'm hoping i'm officially done with them.  (you did great, guys, but your side affects really kind of blow.)  i've been moving around a lot today, doing a lot more for myself, and my appetite is finally really coming back (which, we all know is huge for me in more ways than it should be).  the first half of the day was really pretty rough, but it was expected, so i guess i have to roll with it.  hopefully, that part of my recovery is over with..

i believe i'm heading back to my apt sometime tomorrow, which is going to be weird.  i settle in really easily, not to mention, this is the longest i think i've spent at my parents' since i moved out.  it's the baby in me.  being taken care of for that long becomes comfortable.  i don't like that i do it, but i think all i can do at this point in my life is realize that i do it, and get out like i'm ripping off a band-aid.

i have got to admit, it feels pretty good to think about the gas i've saved not driving for 4 days..


  1. It's not a run-on. Makes perfect sense.

  2. You'd just want to change "despite me telling her" to "despite my telling her." Grammatically speaking.
