Monday, December 01, 2008

she's miss bad-media-karma.

my mom will hear a song and go, "holy crap, david, we were shopping for bananas after that party the 3rd week after we met the last time we heard this song!" and i think, what the fuck.. who remembers that?? well, my thought process isn't that detailed (and hers aren't usually that creepily detailed, either), but i remember i was 11 or 12. my dad was driving me home from school and listening to kiss 108fm when the newest pop sensation came on with, "hit me baby, one more time."

"who is this?"
"britney.. something. i forget."
"you like her?"
"i LOVE her. this is like, my favorite song."
"..what does she want you to hit?"
i rolled my eyes. "i don't know, dad.. just listen to the song.."

she always had a knack for "catchy." even the last person in the world i would ever expect to like her music has a thing for "toxic"; you can't really help it.
as it is, she's an easy target. she went crazy, she shaved her head, she married a giant douchebag-lookin' guy.. she was a mess, and america would sit and laugh and talk about her ass on the cover of the tabloids over coffee. would you still do that if she was a friend of yours?
i think one of my favorite things is how everyone talks about how she shouldn't be allowed to be a mother. that's a pretty strong statement to make about a person, in general. seeing as how millions of people who make this statement don't even know her outside of magazines and articles whose ultimate goal is to draw readers, yes, i'm sure you have all the facts to judge someone's parenting ability.

why am i sticking up for britney spears, the biggest pop trainwreck of my generation and a person i don't even know? because i know her better than billions of people know the billions of people that they judge out of context every day. she has just as much baggage as the next guy and people just love to place judgement on others to make themselves feel better.
i like her. i like her spunk and the possibility of how human she may actually be.

i had so much more to say before i read jezebel this morning and realized that, not only do they feel the same way.. but they wrote it much more eloquently than i could have. if you care to read on, head over here.


  1. This is a really beautiful post. I firmly believe if there was more love in the world, then perhaps Britney may never have walked down the dark paths she has, or found herself in such a difficult place in life. Just my two cents :)

  2. I believe 110% in what you had to say about Brit Brit. She is probably the most human of sop star sensations. She makes mistakes and unfortunately, the papparazzi is always there to take it and exagerate it for the whole world to laugh at. No wonder the woman has had nervous breakdowns upon nervous breakdowns.

    It was nice to read something nice about Spears for a change.


  3. "the last person in the world i would ever expect to like her music has a thing for 'toxic'" -Em


  4. I still want to know - What does she want to hit?????

  5. lol i'm so glad you and bill found your cameos in my post ;)
