Friday, September 12, 2008

i'm lovin' it.

i've gotten hold of a lap top rental (thanks, bill) for the past 15 hours or so, so i'll leave a quick one for the sake of semi-consistency.

work is going well. believe it or not, i'm looking at the possibility of advancement. yes, folks, it's apparently possible and will be a fantastic feeling considering i'll have to cut back some hours once i head back to school in 11 days. i'm pretty excited about that, especially because i've never actually advanced at a job before. of course, none of my jobs really provided that sort of opportunity (unless you consider my almost-move-up to photo lab tech at cvs a few years ago.. haa..). i got to admit, i'm pretty proud of the work i'm doing considering how much i never used to be willing to push myself. i've come a long way and it feels pretty damn good to see what i'm capable of. i may complain about how worn down i am after hitting overtime, but i'm secretly pretty proud of it.

the apartment is fantastic and still immaculate. i've become a slightly compulsive cleaner, which i'm okay with. it's sometimes annoying due to the whole obsessive-compulsive struggle in general, but hey, my house is clean. nothing wrong with that, right?
of course, it's proving difficult to bring someone new in. i'm pretty anxious about it, but the anxiety has been surprisingly decreasing. i know it will all work out how it's meant to. i have to remember i can only have so much control. how unfortunate for someone with my nature. i guess that's part of the lesson. hey, knowing i have a problem is half the battle, right? i can only get so far at a time.

future plans i'm working on:
  • completely redesigning f.o (who's readership is growing surprisingly fast, even in spite of me not being able to update, currently.. how odd.. but awesome).

  • getting my work for bill completed (if i can get past the part where i don't completely have a grasp on design yet and just getting a temporary banner out, at least).

  • finally finding a name for the hat situation and getting that whole project on the move ,the ultimate goal being to combine a sales method that will work through f.o (as part of the profits will be donated to neda).

  • advancing at work (as mentioned before) and working on increasing my income in fewer hours while at school.. which may even allow me to work less nights and have more of a social life with my 9-5 friends

  • writing more.. a lot more. not just blogging, but i mean really writing and getting my work out further than the internet - the time deal is slightly difficult though.. which leads me to my next goal:

  • finding a way to better manage my time to fit in all my projects. let's face it: i'm not one to be able to do one thing at a time and i'm determined to do it all. my calendar is about to become my own 24/7 personal assistant. honestly, i'm kind of glad i can't afford the IPT yet.. i think writing everything down is actually keeping me more organized for the time being.
that's all.. time to eat and head back to my other building of residency.
if you live in the area, i highly recommend coming in. visitors always make my shift a little more exciting.

peace out.

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