Wednesday, April 23, 2008

american apparel; photo gallery in disguise.

dear american apparel,

are you actually selling this shit????? check out those blues. and what, did your uncle jim with his $800 pentax do the amazing photog work?

here are some prize-winners. hard shadows and the bottom of the seamless. or, probably just the white wall in uncle jim's dining room. god, hire a retoucher, at least.

and, for your viewing pleasure, i figured i would share with you (as they did, apparently) how talented their staff photographer's really are. they seem to find it appropriate to post a slide show of irrelevant staff-created work on their clothing site. is this a joke??


  1. lol, oh well. Their clothes are fantastic though.

  2. eh, bullshit. Their stuff is quite good. And their ads are absolutely brilliant. No bullshit, no airbrushing, real sexy pictures. That's why they're making the big bucks

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