Sunday, November 28, 2010

flannel sheets save heat money.

Frame & duvet cover from IKEA.
Plaid flannel sheets from Target (which, by the way, is definitely pronounced "Tar-get.") They're on sale for $15/ea, if you're into that.
King size flannel pillow case from Mom's linen closet. Those are free with biological discount. Black Friday special.

Now, to redecorate the rest of the room. That may have to wait for 2o11...

Friday, November 26, 2010


Yesterday was my 25th Thanksgiving. (Kind of a weird thing to say, isn't it?) It was really nice. There's usually 10-16 of us, but it was just my family, G and B. Small and quiet, and far less people to battle for my Gramma's sweet potatoes.

For 2010, I am thankful for:

1. My 3 families.

1a. SO many more people that I would never have the room or time to mention here for their continuing love and support.

2. The amazing job opportunity I've been given.

3. My awesome apartment and roommate.

4. The daily struggles I face that make me a stronger force to be reckoned with.

5. My uncanny ability to attract exactly what I need when I need it most. (See also: shirts that sell on eBay for $1100 right after I quit my job on a whim.)

6. Two pretty solid years of health and the ability to love Thanksgiving for what it truly is...AND the food.

7. Anyone that still reads my blog(s) and, more so, those who comment...

Hope you were all able to enjoy the holiday, Ativan-free. Or with it, whatever.

My mom and I are going to attempt to go shopping today. Wish us luck not dying!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

i cook now.. kind of.

I've been getting into this weird habit lately of cooking dinner after work. Like, with produce and stuff. It's amazing how much healthier you feel when the words "remove the film" don't appear in the recipe.

Now, what should I do with the tilapia in my freezer? And why does Android not recognize the word "tilapia?" How sheltered.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

frostbitten oranges.

I let go of Frozen.Oranges, the blog. (Not the name.)

I lost it. In fact, I kept losing it. It was mostly because of billing errors (I lose my debit card a lot, no one's sure why), but it seemed ridiculous how many issues I had keeping that site up in just the past year. I fought to get it back this time, even tried to pay and GoDaddy couldn't revive it for some reason. I mean, I posted about one time for each that I went through the trouble and long waits on the phone with GoDaddy. Guess it was time to let it go.

Let's be honest, the fruit of my domain was rotting. It's just not where I am anymore. It's not that it's a topic I'm no longer passionate for, but I'm in a very different place. I would have readers tell me they would love to know what life has been since finding full recovery - which is something I could certainly write about - but it didn't seem to have a place there. It wasn't the right tone.

I'd love to pluck all the remains (ok, that pun was actually not intended, but I'm keeping it) from whatever bits of the internet they dwell and keep them together. However, it's been a while since I felt good about pointing someone in the direction of the blog-that-hasn't-been-updated-since-2008 (or so it felt). I didn't feel like I was having the same effect I used to and I didn't feel the pride in it I used to.

I'm keeping the name. It stands for something and people connect with it... more people than I ever would have guessed when I first came up with it. I just believe I need to move it in a new direction. I've had some projects swirling in my thoughts for a few years and I might start to build on one of those. In the meantime, for those who are interested in post-recovery, you got it right here.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

first droid picture.

Dude. This camera is good. I smell photo-blogging. (Phlogging?...ew.)

By the way, meet my 4-year-old...and most patient photo subject.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5