That.. would be my bedroom, ladies and gentlemen, a little more than 24 hrs ago. I so cannot believe I'm actually posting this online. I wouldn't even let anyone in it. I feel like I should have a list of things you need to find, like in Highlights for Kids. (It's ALWAYS in the tree, by the way.)
It was bad. The mess even continued onto half my queen-size bed. I just hadn't had time.
However, I start a new job tomorrow (holla!) and I just could not come from an 11 hr (including commute) day to this shit hole. I need a place to unwind.
My whole life, cleaning my room has been a challenge. It's overwhelming. I mean, when your room looks this bad, where the f do you start?? There is so much that needs to be done and so much space that needs to be covered. When I was younger, I would sit down and cry. As I got older, I would just give up and hit up AOL for distraction. I couldn't get through it.
Post-It notes cleaned my room. Seriously. It only took me 24 years, but I found my solution. I need things broken down into pieces and this was the most brilliant way I could ever think of.
I grabbed a package and broke it down into 20 steps: 1) Dump everything from bed onto floor. 2) Throw out trash from that pile.. etc. I had a clear-cut order that things needed to be done and if I didn't know what to do next, I ripped off the next one. It was so simple. It also helped me keep focus for way longer than I usually can. (Concerta probably didn't hurt, either.)
That's all 20. I stuck them to my wall as I finished.
The awesome thing is that it could work for anything. Cleaning the house, working on a project or a school paper, setting up an event. It's so elementary that it almost seems childish, but it works.
Oh, and here's the after shot.. (Enter: fan. It was approximately 90º in my house last night because I had been moving so much and I can't open half my windows. It was time.) Couldn't even see the green rug before.
Bring on new job!